Not exactly gripping and newsworthy this, but highlights an interesting problem.  Whilst having a clear-out at the office, we’ve amassed a number of security cages for computer towers (you know the sort – a metal cage that is fixed to the floor so that potential thieves can’t just grab a computer and run).

There are 8 of the blighters, all made from high-quality heavy-weight steel. But we don’t need them any more.  So what are we supposed to do with them?  We’ve tried to sell them to local businesses who specialise in second-hand office equipment.  We’ve looked on ebay to see if anyone else is selling them and making a mint.  Both options proved fruitless.  Do we really have to take them to the tip?  Ok, so they can be sorted into “metals”, but what happens then….?

So I asked around and someone recommended Freecycle, which is “a nonprofit organization and a movement of people interested in keeping good stuff out of landfills”.  Sounds perfect!  Either that or they will end up being a permanent installation of contemporary art (located underneath one of the meeting tables) until we employ a blacksmith who can make them into something useful.

Update 11.02.09:
Good news for local recycling firms – Advantage West Midlands have just announced a £5m cash injection for the regions recycling businesses.  Hooray!